August 26, 2007
Japan, U.S., Australia to hold 1st summit.
The attention of the world is at this moment focused on the war of the here and now, being waged in the Iraq and Afghanistan, and this war is important and must be one. Yet while this war rages the preperations for the next war continue apace in the east. It may not be readily apparent but the war being fought now is in some ways an anomoly, facing as we are the forces of often vague and fleeting oponents. The vastness of the Pacific today seems to be a reflection of its name, a place that is at peace. But with a China that has grown stronger comes into conflict with the other nations of the region tensions and coflicts can only increase. In this enviroment of simmering and slowly rising tensions the free and democratic nations of the along the Pacific and Indian oceans are reaching out to one another to ensure that they are willing and able to stand together if and when the time to do so should come to pass. This summit along with the strengthening of ties between Japan and India leads me to believe that what we are witnessing is the laying of the foundations for a new alliance in the far east.
Indo-Japan accord moves ties into new dimension.
The time has come I believe to forge a new and lasting alliance of free nations that seeks to counter the opressive and totalitarian regiemes of the world and will yield to no dictator or totalitarian state. I would therefore like to make a rather immodest proposal for the following.
A treaty establishing The Pacific-Indian Ocean Treaty Organization.
We the undersigned democracies, being bound by friendship, shared values, traditions and freedoms establish a strong and permanent alliance between the free nations of the world. We the United States of America, The Empire of Japan, The Republic of Korea, The Nation of Canada, The Nation of Australia, The Nation of India, The Nation of New Zealand, The Nation of Singapore, The Republic of China and The Republic of the Philippines agree to the following:
1. That all of the signatories of this treaty will come to the aid and defense of another member nation if attacked, and will place all available military forces under the control of regional commander previously approved by the Council of Members upon a nomination by one or more of the member nations. When the Council of Members by a thee fourths (3/4) vote deems necessary the member nations may and shall undertake pre-emptive military action against threats to their collective security. Any member nation shall, during times of peace be free to carry out any military actions it deems necessary to protect her citizens and interests without consulting the Council and may form any ad-hoc alliance as may be needed. During time of war as recognized by the Council any member nation may carry out military operations as above with forces not under the control of a regional commander and may use such forces as under a regional commander with the approval of the Supreme Allied Commander however all ad-hoc alliances formed for such operations must be approved by the Council if they involve any nation not a member of this organization or a member of NATO unless such operation is being conduced under the auspices of a UN Security Council mandate.
2. That in times of peace all member nations will maintain appropriate military forces consummate with their economic and population bases. Additionally in times of war member nations will work together to ensure the rational and co-ordinated use of resources in the execution of their assigned tasks.
3. That all members will freely share technology, information and intelligence to further the missions of this organization in both peace time and war time.
4. That all member nations will agree upon certain standards in relation to certain types of military equipment and supplies and to manufacture such goods to the standards promulgated by the Technical Committee of the Council of Members so as to insure interoperability and interchangeability.
5. That all member nations will conduct co-operative exercises involving land, sea and air forces on a routine basis and at all levels from the smallest of subunits to the highest headquarters.
6. All member nations will provide for the forward basing of the military forces of other member nations with the particulars of status of forces agreements and financial arrangements to be negotiated between the specific agreeing parties.
7. All member nations shall make a financial contribution to the Common Fund of the Council of Members annually, the specific amount to be calculated by a formula to by devised by the Finance Committee of the Council of Members and agreed to by the member nations through a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Council.
8. All member nations are encouraged to work together in the development and acquisition of military equipment so as to reduce the total cost of such equipment by taking advantage of the economies of scale and focused effort versus the waste of duplicated effort and small batch production and to further the goals of interoperability and interchangeability among the member nations.
9. A Supreme Allied Commander shall be nominated to the Council of Members by any member nation and the nominee may be from any member nation. The Personnel Committee with the assistance of the Planning Committee, the Operations Committee and the Intelligence Committee shall determine three (3) final nominees to be placed before the Council of Members with the winner to be chosen by a simple majority vote. Should a majority not be achieved by any nominee a second vote shall be taken, failing a majority then a runoff vote between the two (2) highest scoring nominees shall be conducted for a maximum of three votes. Should the Council then be deadlocked the General Secretary of the Council shall cast a deciding vote. The SAC may not be from the same member nation as then holds the position of General Secretary of the Council of Members unless the General Secretary is named to that post while their nation holds the post of SAC. The term of the SAC shall be for four (4) years and the SAC may be renominated and reappointed with out limit providing that the current SAC a) agrees to be renominated, b) their member nation also so concurs and c) that they stand in equal to all other nominees every four years to be renominated and appointed.
10. The Council of Members shall consist of a civilian delegate and military assistant delegate named by the government of their member nation. Each delegation shall have one (1) vote and all votes shall be of equal weight, the voting delegate shall be the civilian delegate except when that delegate is absent and the military assistant delegate shall vote for their member nation. The Council shall have the following committees, and they may form sub-committees as they see fit within their area of responsibility, Finance, Personnel, Operations, Planning, Intelligence, Research and Development, Technical, Air Forces, Land Forces, Naval Forces, Covert Activities and External Relations. Each committee will be headed by a chairman elected by simple majority from among its members, all member nations shall have at least one seat on all committees and may be entitled to more at the discretion of the Council, no nation shall have more than two (2) votes on any committee regardless of the number of seats they possess except for the Intelligence, Planning and Operations committees where all nations shall have one (1) seat and one (1) vote. The Civilian delegate of each member nation will be responsible for naming their nations representatives to each committee and for overseeing their activities as directed by their government. The Military assistant delegate shall be that member nations representative to the Operations committee and may hold no more than one (1) other committee assignment. The Civilian delegate of each member nation will serve on at least one (1) committee other than the Operations committee and no more than two (2) committees at one time. The Council will meet in general session at least every two weeks in peace time and every other day during war time.
11. The General Secretary shall be nominated to the Council of Members by any member nation, but the nominee must be from the nominating nation and must be a civilian at the time of nomination. The Council shall elect the General Secretary by a two thirds (2/3) majority from among the nominee(s) submitted at the beginning of every third year. The General Secretary shall not vote except when a simple majority is required to reach a decision and after three consecutive votes the issue remains deadlocked or the General Secretary may adjourn the Council for seventy two (72) hours and may then call for two additional votes on the issue. The issue in contention then still being deadlocked the General Secretary shall then cast the deciding vote. The term of the General Secretary shall be three years and the General Secretary shall serve no more than two consecutive terms but shall not be limited in nonconnective terms. Nominees for the post should be submitted in writing to the Personnel committee no later than the twenty eighth (28) day of February, leap years excepted when they shall be due on the first (1) day of March. The vote to name a new General Secretary or retain the current General Secretary if so eligible shall be taken on the fifth (5) day of December. The General Secretary shall be responsible for acting as president of the Council of Members, overseeing the permanent staff of the Council and the Office of the Inspector General and acting as impartial judge in settling disputes between member nations.
12. All Disputes between member nations may be brought before the Council of Members for arbitration. The arbitrator shall be named by the General Secretary from among the delegates not party to the dispute in question. Both aggrieved parties must agree to such arbitration and in so doing agree to be bound by such arbitration. If one or both parties is unsatisfied with the outcome of the arbitration they may appeal first to the Office of the Inspector General and then to the General Secretary.
13. Suspension and Expulsion of Member Nations. Any nation that violates the basic principles of this body, namely failing to maintain a free, democratic government, violating the basic inalienable rights of their citizens with out regard to the law or generally behaves in a manner that the Council feels is inconsistent with the Free and Civilized World may be temporarily suspended from the Council by a three fourths (3/4) vote and may be expelled by a unanimous vote of the Council. In such votes neither referring party or the accused party shall cast a vote in determining either suspension or expulsion. Any nation suspended form the Council shall be eligible to apply for readmission after ninety (90) days, and will automatically be readmitted after eighteen (18) months if the Council takes no further action to renew the suspension or move for expulsion. Suspended members may still attend all Council functions and speak as members but may only vote on those issues which the General Secretary shall so designate and the shall not be eligible to receive funds from the Council Common fund or the Modernization fund. Expelled members may apply for readmission after a period of five (5) years or earlier at the invitation of the Council.
14. The Finance committee shall maintain a Modernization Fund separate from the Common Fund. Money form the Common Fund shall be used to further the general mission of the organization and to assist its member nations as directed by the Council of Members. The Modernization Fund shall only be used to assist nations in the modernizing and improving of their military forces and related technical sectors to strengthen the overall alliance as directed by the modernization Sub-committee of the Technical committee.
15. The Office of the Inspector General shall be independent of all other bodies and shall report directly to the General Secretary. The OIG shall create and maintain a system for the anonymous reporting of abuses of organization funds and materials and to improve the overall efficiency of the organization’s endeavors.
16. The organizations Headquarters shall be established upon the US Territory of Guam. This shall consist of a complex of buildings that meet the needs of the Council, the General Secretary, The Supreme Allied Commander and other tenants. The construction of such facilities shall be paid for by a special assessment by the Finance committee to all member nations. The United States agrees to construct at its own expense housing and any other needed facilities for the Organization and to cover the cost of maintenance on such facilities for a period of five (5) years after which time such costs shall be provided for from the Common Fund.
17. New members may admitted by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the council in general session and all new members shall be subject to a probationary period of membership no longer than five (5) years and no less than one (1) year. During this probationary period the new member nation must meet certain goals or make such progress toward those goals that Council believes substantial enough to end the probationary period. Such goals shall be defined in the Articles of Accession that the new member government agrees to upon accepting membership. Failure to meet these goals shall see a one (1) year extension of the probationary period and may also result in denial of Common Fund assistance if the Council so deems.
18. Should any member nation be attacked on their Territory, their flagged ships upon the high seas or their planes in the skies such an action will be considered an act against the whole of the group and will be treated as such. Furthermore any attack against the citizens of a member nation by any other nation or terrorist group any where in the world will be regarded as an attack against the whole, this however shall exclude those wounded in military actions taken by member nations during peace time as defined in article one (1). Any member nation so attacked may petition the Council for a Declaration of a state of war. Such declarations shall be granted by a three fourths (3/4) majority vote in the Council. Upon certifying such a declaration the General Secretary shall inform the Supreme Allied Commander who will then name regional commanders to take control of allied military forces in their area of responsibility. All nations must contribute to the defense of the attacked after such a declaration and failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the organization. All nations will be informed before hand as to what forces they are expected to contributed based upon the war plans prepared by the Planning committee and will be expected to do their utmost to meet those responsibilities.
19. The undersigned Nations, having freely agreed to this treaty do hereby establish the Pacific-Indian Ocean Treaty Organization Upon this day the __ of ____________ in the year 200_.
So that is my concept for a new alliance the far east, I know that the chances of something like this being brought about are slim but one can hope after all.
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